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Welcome to A Classic Path Blog. While my non-fiction book, A Classic Path Through High School is written for exceptional early teens, this space is intended for people of all ages interested in reading about classic truths as they relate to modern life; and maybe sell a few books.  I will be self-publishing in coming weeks and would like to thank my family and friends for all their help.  I couldn’t have gotten the project to this point without the support of so many exceptional people who encouraged me to continue on this unorthodox path for an investment advisor and commercial real estate salesman. 

If you are a solid student in 8th or 9th grade, you are already on a path that will lead to rich rewards in this wonderful gift of life.  The book is meant to help you discover your talents and highlight particular risks and obstacles that have knocked similar students off that good path.  Take a look at the website with your parents and see if you might like to read it.  Most critiques have pointed to the philosophical material being too high level but my exceptional 8th grader was able to absorb most of it. He’s off to a great start in high school.  You don’t have to understand everything and smart kids will grasp more than they realize.  In addition to classic stories about the advancement of human thought and development, the book explores cutting edge science regarding the unique characteristics of the teenage brain. It’s information not available to prior generations and fascinating to parents and teens alike.  Please use the contact form if you would like to review an advance copy or reserve a post-publication edition.  Upon launch, I plan to offer free downloads for a short while so signup for yours.

This blog will drift further afield to anything that interests me and has some relation to classic truths.  I anticipate sharing thoughts on art, literature and current events.  Classic doesn’t have to mean old, just timeless. History repeats, and so do classic truths of humanity and I hope to capture your interest with timely examples. Taking priority in my mind currently are thoughts of Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday.  Family, food, no presents, and the subject of my next post.  Please sign up to get the posts and share with anyone else who might enjoy it.  Thank you for reading.

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Daniel D. Hickey is the author of A Classic Path Through High School: Life Lessons for Early Teens, the #1 New Release in Amazon’s Being a Teen category. (March 8, 2021)

If you have read the book, please leave a review at this link.

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