
On Sale Now!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’m pleased to announce that A Classic Path Through High School is available for purchase at Amazon.com.  Please download a FREE copy of the Kindle ebook by Friday, and I will try to have the robots offer it at a reduced price for the following week.  Paperbacks are also available and hardcover is a couple of weeks behind.  Even if it’s not for you, please download a free copy so it will pick up relevancy on the Amazon algorithms. DRM has been disabled so please share it with anyone you think might like it.  If you do read it, there would be no kinder compliment than an honest review.

Thank you to everyone for so much help with my launch of this new endeavor!

The book description is:

A 200 page Liberal Arts education for early teens

When faced with the timeless challenges of adolescence, too many exceptional early teens stray from the good path in life, and fail to reach their potential.  This book will help you discover your personal strengths and weaknesses as you form the foundation on which you are building your life. A focus on the classic Seven Deadly Sins and corresponding Seven Holy Virtues provides a template for self-knowledge which will help you:

  • Discover your individual talents
  • Develop your persona
  • Join groups in school and make new friends
  • Establish goals and the good habits to achieve them

Classic stories covering 22 centuries of history and philosophy, combined with modern research into the fascinating characteristics of the teenage brain, will help you understand the dramatic changes occurring in your life.  Thought exercises will reveal your true personality as you learn about:

  • Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and the groundbreaking philosophers that followed
  • Washington, Lincoln, MLK and other great leaders who shaped our world
  • Galileo, Newton, Einstein and the advancement of science
  • Rock stars like Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and other members of the 27 Club
  • The history of human sexuality and drug use
  • The cultural conflict and similarities between the native Americans and 18th century settlers
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet struggles with the confusion of adolescence
  • And too much more to fit in this description!

Throughout the chapters, God, Country, Sex, Drugs, Rock, and Roll, you will learn how to confront those timeless challenges of adolescence, applied to the digital age. You will gain the wisdom of role models ahead of you on the path of life. After reading this book, you will have the courage to conquer the adversity we all face as you make your mark upon a better world!


On Sale Now!

Daniel D. Hickey is the author of A Classic Path Through High School: Life Lessons for Early Teens, the #1 New Release in Amazon’s Being a Teen category. (March 8, 2021)

If you have read the book, please leave a review at this link.

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